Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, as a jump start to my life as a wife only and to get myself moving in the morning, I've been creating little goals for myself each day. Yesterday was going to get groceries and paying the bills, tomorrow is cleaning our apartment, you get the idea. Well, today was going for a long run/walk. You see, John is the workout connoisseur in our household. His dedication quite frankly amazes me, so while he has already found a running path that he's been religiously using on his thrice weekly runs, I had yet to don my running shoes. Well, my friends that all changed today.

I decided to go do a lap of the Imperial Palace. The Palace is about two miles from our apartment, the lap is a 5k, and then you gotta get back, so all in all a seven mile round trip. You can all be impressed with my efforts appropriately now. I head out dodging all the people on the street during the two mile stretch.....as if I didn't stand out already it was 9:30 and I was wearing my running attire, needless to say everyone else looked like work was their location. And then I finally reach the palace and despite the fact that there are walls surrounding it and outside the walls is where the running trails was it's still quite beautiful to see. There is a huge moat surrounding most of it...simply gorgeous and it's one of only a few locations in the city with substantial trees everywhere. It was a really neat path and one that I'll definitely be doing often. Of course I'll be working on actually running the whole thing, but I did about 2.5 miles today, so not too shabby considering my hiatus of late. That being said this too is John's "normal running path".

And while we are talking about working out, just wanted to shout out to a few people that have been influential in my running/walking efforts...because quite frankly I hate to work out. First, there was Elaine my college roommate that's enthusiasm about running was infectious and she tried very hard to get me excited about it too. Then there is Jessie, my dear friend from DC that went along with me to join a gym so that we could be "lookin' good" by her wedding. Maren, my DC roommate that went on her own long runs and came back looking so at peace with the world in general. Emily, my running partner in Dallas that participated in all the races with me....go us. And last but not least Jen, my neighbor in Dallas that motivated me to get my rear out of bed to go walking every morning before work. Because of you guys I was motivated enough to go see and do something really cool today.

And while we are still talking about walking/running, John and I are doing the Run for the Cure here in Tokyo in October...yes, it's run not race here yet they give away prizes, so there ya go. It's around the Imperial Palace and I'm really looking forward to it. I've done it in Dallas with my friend Emily for two of the past three years and it's a really neat thing to participate in....just note that if you do in fact want to run versus walk make sure to get there early and go toward the front or there is no way running is happening (as we found out last year). Anyway, it's a great cause so I always highly recommend it.

And that's it for now....my jeans just arrived from Texas.....woohoo!

Until next time....Jenn


Miss Priss said...

Only ran 2 miles today...in my hood.Not nearly as exciting at the Imperial Palace! I can never imagine running more than 2 miles...I hate it!!! This tuning thirty and body changing is killing me thought, so gotta do it! You go girl!!!! Put some extra miles in for me today!!

cbs2528 said...

5 on katy trail today (70 degrees at lunch!)...of course my training partner moved to freaking Tokyo!!

You were both missed at Freedom Run.


John (the husband) said...

If you have time to go run 5 miles at lunch, you don't have enough to do.

Where are our Freedom Run t-shirts... I'm sure you could have snaked a few.

JMS said...



Emily said...

I have been doing horrible at keeping up the running! I'm getting inspired by your efforts though :)

Emily said...
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