Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yoga Yoga Yoga

So, when John and I started telling people (you all) that we were moving to Tokyo a favored question was...."so Jenn, what in the world are you going to do". I kind of hate this question at this point, because I had absolutely NO idea. I've always worked and always not wanted to work, but when faced with the actual no working option, could voice no good alternatives for time usage. So, my standard response became...I'm going to get really great at yoga.

And I'm writing today to tell you that I have found my new yoga studio, have been to my first class and and now I am all set to accomplish my goal of a headstand. My arms feel a bit like jelly, but hey no pain no gain right? I have to thank, Hazel, one of my resources regarding Japan who recommended the studio. And I have to thank John for scouting out the location last weekend because if he hadn't come with me I might still be doing circles of the buildings trying to find it....not an easy task at all. I know that he was just humoring me by going to find it because he knew I was a bit leery of getting all turned around in the subway....but after what I have to say was a bit of a frustrating experience locating it he had a new appreciation for the team methodology.

Alright, just had to share the's the small things in life, right?

Until next time, Jenn

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